Supplemental materials to the article published in Bulletin of Sociological Methodology
by Antoine Mazières and Camille Roth.
Parliament Members (1958-2016) |
Mayors |
Veterinarians |
Researchers at CNRS |
Accountants |
Pharmacists |
École Polytechnique (1958-2016) |
Brevet d'Études Professionnelles |
Parisian Lawyers |
Professional Baccalauréat |
Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle |
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur |
Baccalauréat |
For details on method and datasets, see the full paper (raw data).
The study of surnames as both linguistic and geographical markers of the past has proven valuable in several research fields spanning from biology and genetics to demography and social mobility. This article builds upon the existing literature to conceive and develop a surname origin classifier based on a data-driven typology. This enables us to explore a methodology to describe large-scale estimates of the relative diversity of social groups, especially when such data is scarcely available. We subsequently analyze the representativeness of surname origins for 15 socio-professional groups in France.
Mazieres, A. and Roth, C. (2018). Large-scale diversity estimation through surname origin inference. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 139.
@article{mazieres2018names, title={Large-scale diversity estimation through surname origin inference}, author={Mazieres, Antoine and Roth, Camille}, journal={Bulletin of Sociological Methodology}, number={139}, year={2018}, }
For details on method and datasets, see the full paper (raw data).